- Jupiter breathed again. 朱庇特松了一口气。
- Now my debts are paid I can breathe again. 现在我已还清欠债,可以松口气了。
- The manito breathed again and several large or small continents floating in the sea . 大神再动荡一下,于是,下界的情形展现了:一块块大小不一的陆地飘荡在海洋之间。
- He has gone; you can breathe again. 他已经走了, 你可以松口气了。
- Bink had found himself holding his breath again as the poison cloud enveloped him. 宾克发现四周再次毒气弥漫,他也重新屏住呼吸。
- We're over the worst part of the trip; we can breathe again now. 最艰苦的一段旅程已经去,现在我们可以松一口气了。
- As soon as the policeman walked away we could breathe again. 警察一走我们就松口气了。
- I'm so glad that school's out and I can breathe again. 我很高兴学校放假了,这下我可以松一口气了。
- As you breathe again, soul returns, and consciousness expands. 当你再次呼吸,灵魂回归而意识扩展。
- Open their airway as before and check for normal breathing again. 像先前一样打开气道,并再次检查是否有正常呼吸。
- I shan't be able to breathe again until the examination results are received. 我要接到考试成绩的通知以后才能放下心来。
- I'm able to breathe again now that my wife has recovered from her illness. 既然我妻子已经康复,我可以放心了。
- Maybe if I hope a little more, try a little more, I will breathe again. 也许,当我可以把握希望,努力尝试的时候,我可以再次重生。
- I just breathe again, but where's the oxygen of welfare. I can't found it. 我正要再次呼吸,幸福的氧气在哪,我却找不到。
- How many moons does Jupiter have? 木星有多少卫星?
- His enthusiasm breathed new life into the company. 他的热情给公司注入了新的生命。
- The team breathed confidence before the match. 该队在比赛前显得很有信心。
- Jupiter, with august gravity, sitting in the midst. 朱庇特威风凛凛地坐在当中。
- Mars(Ares) was the son of Jupiter and Juno. 马尔斯(阿瑞斯)是朱庇特和朱诺的儿子。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。